Burgundy escargo

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You’ll need:

to cater for 6 people


  • 6 dozen shellfish prepared,
  • 1 liter of dry white wine,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 1 onion,
  • 3 shallots,
  • 2 garlic cloves,
  • 1 bouquet of garni (aromatic herbs).
  • Sauce requires:
  • 500g butter,
  • 50g shallots,
  • 5 garlic cloves,
  • Parsley, salt, pepper to taste.


Prepare broth with white wine, carrots, onions, garlic, bouquet of garni, salt and pepper. Add the prepared fillets to it and cook for three hours over low heat. Add water if necessary. After time, drain the shellfish water and cool them. Cook the sauce. First, soften the butter. Finely chop shallots, garlic, parsley and mix well with butter. Put some sauce on the bottom of the sink, sweat the snails and cover with another layer of oil. Put in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve hot with a sprig of parsley.
The French snail recipes, namely the escargo, are very similar. The main principle is the stuffing of shells, and the differences are usually in the sauce. The ingredients themselves are part of it – starting with garlic and nuts, ending with slices of bacon and ham.
Snails cooked according to the Burgundy recipe, as well as other escargoes in elite restaurants, are served with a special plate with a recess for shells – escargot. Appropriate instruments are served to the dish: tongs and a two-pronged fork. Nippers are required to receive the sink and gently pull out the contents with a fork. Escargo is usually served with a couple of pieces of baguette or dried bread and a glass of white wine.
Enjoy your appetite!